Hearing Aid Distribution Program Application

The Hearing Aid Distribution Program (HADP) began in 2019 when Governor Parson signed legislation to initiate a program to help low income Missourians afford hearing aids. The Missouri Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (MCDHH) administers the program. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and kept on file awaiting new funding. For more information on HADP or other hearing aid assistance programs contact, John Peterson, Hard of Hearing Program Manager, at amber.carter@mcdhh.mo.gov or (573) 355 – 9565.


New Law Assists Missourians with Hearing Aids

Jefferson City, MO (August 28, 2019)–The Missouri Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (MCDHH) is excited to announce the inception of a new Hearing Aid Distribution Program for low-income Missourians. The program will accept applications from individuals interested in obtaining hearing aids beginning today.

Dr. Opeoluwa Sotonwa, Executive Director of the Missouri Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, stated, “The commission hopes to positively impact the lives of those who need hearing aids so that they can be more engaged citizens and involved to a greater degree in their communities.”

Missouri Governor Mike Parson signed Senate Bill 101 into law on July 11. The measure creates a statewide hearing aid distribution program for Missourians whose income is at or below the federal poverty level. Senate Bill 101 was Truly Agreed To and Finally Passed by the Missouri legislature on May 14, 2019.

Dr. Sotonwa expressed gratitude to Governor Parson and legislators. “I thank Governor Parson for his action on this bill, as well as Senator Jeanie Riddle and Representative Ann Kelley for their leadership on this issue.”



Frequently Asked Questions

More information will be posted here as it becomes available.