Becky Davis, Executive Director
Becky Davis
Executive Director


Office Support Specialist
(573) 526-5205

Sonya SmithSonya Smith
Deaf Community Advocate
(573) 298-6778

Amber Carter
Hearing Program Manager
(573) 355-9565
Amy Sue Guinn
Staff Interpreter
(573) 526-5206





Shanda Miller
MICS Coordinator
(573) 355-5989



Cindy HarrisCindy Harris
Business Operations Manager
(573) 526-0232


Current MCDHH Commissioners

The Missouri Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing consists of nine members who are knowledgeable about issues related to hearing loss and who have demonstrated a commitment to the full participation of deaf and hard of hearing people in all aspects of community life. The governor appoints the members of the Commission.


To apply for the Commission: Commission Application


Clark CorogenesClark Corogenes, Chair
Seat Reserved for Deaf & Hard of Hearing Member
Ante ColicAnte Colic, Vice Chair
Reserved for Parent of a Deaf or Hard of Hearing Child
Wendy JensenWendy Jensen
Seat Reserved for Local Public School Administration
Christopher DailyChristopher Daily
Reserved for Missouri School for the Deaf
Mike KelleyMike Kelley
Reserved for Deaf & Hard of Hearing Member
Tia Jenice MorrisTia Jenice Morris
Reserved for the Business Community


Board for Certification of Interpreters (BCI)

The Board for Certification of Interpreters (BCI) is composed of five members appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. Two members must be deaf, two must be certified interpreters, and one can be either deaf or a certified interpreter.

The mission of the Board for Certification of Interpreters, is to protect the citizens of the state through the certification of interpreters. In addition, the Board wishes to increase the pool of interpreters, maintain the quality of interpreting services, and establish clear standards of professionalism in the profession.



Vacant, Chair
Seat Reserved for Deaf member

Mishely TisiusMishely Tisius, Secretary
Seat Reserved for Deaf Member or Certified Interpreter
Seat Reserved for MCDHH Executive Director

Please click here to find out more information about the BCI Members.